The first step to good energy management is to be well informed as to how much electricity you use and/or produce. Niko Home Control gives you detailed insights into where your energy comes from and what it is used for, and then uses this data to optimise your energy efficiency.
Measure your energy consumption and production
With the user-friendly Niko Home app it is easy to interpret detailed data, whether it is consumption or production of energy. You can choose to view real-time insights or have an overview of the past days, weeks or months.
Measure your energy production
While knowing - and managing - your energy consumption is important, it’s equally vital to have a good understanding of how much electricity your solar panels produce, if you have them.
Smart energy notifications
Having insights into your energy consumption and production is important, but what if you don’t want to consult these insights all the time? With Niko Home Control you don’t have to, as it monitors your energy flows for you.