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Faceplates (Finishes)

For all our switches and socket outlets you can find the finishing matching your interior. Do you want to finish them in the same colour? The choice is yours. They are available in Niko Original, Niko Intense and Niko Pure.

Did you know that you can always change the colour or style of your Niko? A white Niko Original is easily replaced by a chocolate brown Niko Pure in Bakelite. You simply snap out the faceplate, replace it, and you're done.


Single faceplate

Double faceplate with 60 mm centre-to-centre distance, vertical

Double faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance

Threefold faceplate with 60 mm centre-to-centre distance, vertical

Threefold faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance

Fourfold faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance

Fivefold faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance

Single faceplate with transparent text field

Single faceplate with transparent text field. In combination with the label holder 170-00090 the transparent text field allows each function to be identified in a way that is safe and cannot be lost.

Double faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance, with transparent text field

Double faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance, with transparent text field

Threefold faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance, with transparent text field

Threefold faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance, with transparent text field

Fourfold faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance, with transparent text field

Fourfold faceplate with 71 mm centre-to-centre distance, with transparent text field

Onefold faceplate, for single switch functions, Niko Rocker

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.

Onefold faceplate, for double switch functions, Niko Rocker

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.

Onefold faceplate, for 1 socket outlet, Niko Rocker and Niko Toggle

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.

Twofold faceplate, horizontal 71 mm centre distance, for two single switch functions, Niko Rocker

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.

Twofold faceplate, horizontal 71 mm centre distance, for a single and a double switch function, Niko Rocker

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.

Twofold faceplate, horizontal 71 mm centre distance, for a double and a single switch function, Niko Rocker

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.

Twofold faceplate, horizontal 71 mm centre distance, for double switch functions, Niko Rocker

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.

Twofold faceplate, horizontal 71 mm centre distance, for a single switch and a socket outlet function, Niko Rocker

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.

Twofold faceplate, horizontal 71 mm centre distance, for a socket outlet and a single switch function, Niko Rocker

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.

Twofold faceplate, horizontal 71 mm centre distance, for a double switch and a socket outlet function, Niko Rocker

You can download a printable overview of the complete Niko Rocker/Niko Toggle portfolio <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/combinations" target="_blank">here</a></b>. For more information about the design range, visit our <b><a href="https://www.niko.eu/rockertoggle" target="_blank">inspiration page</a></b>.
