With Niko Home Control you have intelligent control of all the devices in your home. Besides your lights, this includes your shutters & screens, heating & ventilation, doors & windows and even your music.
The centralised control of all these devices, combined with smart insights into your energy consumption and production can help you optimise your energy efficiency. Combine different functions in time schedules or automated routines to help you save energy.
Avoid additional costs with peak mode
Niko Home Control can also help you better manage your electricity consumption during the day, by guiding your energy flows in a smart way and avoiding peaks in your consumption.
Our Peak mode helps you monitor and control the parallel usage of the ever growing amount of heavy devices in your home, whether it is a heat pump, car charger or air conditioning unit.
This ensures your home is ready for the future.
All-off routine
Maybe one of the best ways to save energy is to make sure that everything is switched off when you leave the house or when you are going to bed. The all-off routine can help you with that.
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More about saving energy
Niko Home Control
Home automation lets you manage electrical devices for greater safety, comfort, and energy savings.
Find a professional installer
He or she will offer you technical advice, find the right products for you and install them in your project.