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Sundae 2.0

A house with a lot of character to which Niko Intense adds the finishing touch

Converting a 1963 bel-etage house full of character into a contemporary and sustainable home? Eline Rousseau took on the challenge with her home and lifestyle platform, Sundae! For the finishing touch, the Sundae team opted for Niko Intense switches; the perfect complement to the second Sundae House that is not only sleek and authentic but also cosy and warm.

Sundae is a dynamic interior design platform, welcoming you to a world of affordable home decorating ideas. Under the direction of Eline Rousseau, Sundae offers a glimpse into the daily lives of interior design enthusiasts by sharing authentic home stories. In addition, Sundae also renovates an old property each year that they refurbish together with partner brands. They capture the entire process online. After the first Sundae House's success, a 1960s bel-etage home caught Eline's eye.

How switches enhance your home's identity

"With each home, we want to share a specific story. This can be found in the tiniest details, such as switches, as well as the paint and matching door handles. It's precisely those touches that make a home complete," says Eline.

"For our switches, we quickly decided on Niko. It is a Belgian high-quality brand that fits perfectly within our commitment to work with local brands wherever we can."

"The Niko Intense range proved to be the perfect match because of its subtly curved fronts. These organic finishings can be found in other elements of the house, such as the kitchen countertop and various pieces of furniture. We felt it was important that the switches integrate seamlessly and blend harmoniously into the overall interior design," Eline points out.

Eline concludes with a practical tip:
"When making your material choices, it is best to take your finishes into account from the word go. It makes a huge difference when these elements have been carefully considered along with the rest of your interior, rather than being added as an afterthought."

View the brochure

Switch to beauty
Read all about our finishings for switching material in our brochure.

Niko finishings

Discover our finishings for switching material and socket outlets.

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