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Maison Oscar

a piece of design in Ardennes nature with Niko Intense as the finishing touch

Nestled deep in the green heart of the Ardennes is Maison Oscar, the first boutique holiday home in Belgium. A progressive concept where design rules the roost and guests enjoy a unique total experience. Together with Niko, Augustin and Hadrien ensured that the experience at Maison Oscar was flawless down to the last detail.

Large windows, abundant incoming light and enchanting views: an unforgettable experience awaits you the moment you step inside Maison Oscar. This unique holiday spot is in a league of its own. You will fall in love with rooms that radiate design and harmony, in the middle of the Ardennes nature. And if that is not enough, you will also be treated to tailor-made experiences that meet all your needs. From relaxing yoga to culinary workshops, everything is possible here.

And it is all thanks to the collective achievement of passionate brothers Augustin and Hadrien Bown. With a father in the textile industry and a mother in the arts, you could say their love of design was inculcated at an early age. After buying and renovating flats together for many years, the two yearned for something more permanent. A hospitality project they could put their heart and soul into. And so Maison Oscar was born, a playground for creativity, design and hospitality.

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