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Integrate Easee EV-chargers with Niko Home Control

Make optimal use of your own solar energy by connecting Easee EV-Chargers to your smart home system

Niko has partnered up with reliable brands like Easee to offer you seamless control of all the important systems in your home. By making a connection between Niko Home Control and Easee’s EV-charger, you can enjoy an optimal charging of your electric vehicle at the best time of the day and in the most energy-efficient way.

Want to integrate Easee? This is what you'll need:

  • You have an Easee charging station, connected to the internet (or via the local home network or via the mobile network).
  • Niko Home Control bus or traditional wiring with the most updated version of the Niko Home app

Niko Home Control

Få alle oplysninger om vores boligautomatiseringssystem

Energibesparelse og Niko Home Control

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Integrering af partnersystemer

Det er nemt at åbne og lukke ovenlysvinduer og skydedøre, betjene din musikinstallation, betjene varmepumpen, styre din energiproduktion og kontrollere og justere luftkvaliteten i boligen, du gør det alt sammen med Niko Home Control og partnere som:

  • Ventilation
  • Lyd
  • Inverter
  • Vinduer
  • Varmepumpe
  • Klimaanlæg og varme
  • Gaskedel
  • ..